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Hosted Checkout


The simplest way of collecting payments on your website/webapp is by using Lipad Online Checkout. Lipad will handle the payment and return back to you when done.

This guide will show you how to use Lipad Online Checkout on your website.

Refer to the endpoints section for the correct base url.

Kindly carefully complete the procedures below to start receiving payments on your site.


  1. Formulate Checkout Payload
  2. Encrypt Payload
  3. Redirect to Checkout UI
  4. Redirect to back to you

1. Formulate Checkout Payload

You will need to formulate a json payload that will be consumed. We will describe the parameters in detail in the next section.

let payload = {
msisdn: "+254700000000",
account_number: "oid39",
country_code: "KEN",
currency_code: "KES",
client_code: "ABCDEXAMPLE",
due_date: "2022-12-12T13:00:00Z",
customer_email: "[email protected]",
customer_first_name: "John",
customer_last_name: "Doe",
merchant_transaction_id: "txn_id_342",
preferred_payment_option_code: "",
callback_url: "",
request_amount: "100",
request_description: "Dummy merchant transaction",
invoice_number: "",
language_code: "en",
service_code: "<Client service code>",

Let's take a closer look at the parameters.

KeyValue TypeRequiredDescription
msisdnStringYesThis is the mobile number of the customer making payment
account_numberStringYesThis is the reference number under which the payment should reflect
country_codeStringYesThe 3 digit ISO of the country from which we should charge the customer
currency_codeStringYesThe 3 digit ISO code of the currency which we should use to charge the customer
client_codeStringYesThe client code of the merchant initiating the request. Found in my profile section on dashboard under business information
service_codeStringYesThe service code assigned to the merchant on the portal. You will first have to add or enable appropriate service on the dashboard under my profile section in services section i.e EATZ_CHECKOUT
due_dateStringYesThe date when the request expires with timezone i.e 2024-01-12T08:32:41.545Z or 2024-01-12 08:32:41.545+00 . We accept ISO 8601 date format.
customer_emailStringYesThe email address of the customer making payment
customer_first_nameStringYesThe first name of the customer making payment
customer_last_nameStringYesThe last name of the customer making payment
merchant_transaction_idStringYesA unique transaction reference that you should generate for each transaction
preferred_payment_option_codeStringNoThe preferred code for the payment option which we should pre-select for the customer during the current checkout request
callback_urlStringYesThe webhook URL to which we shall send payment notifications.
success_redirect_urlStringYesThe URL where the customer will be redirected upon making successful payment.
fail_redirect_urlStringYesThe URL where the customer will be redirected to when their payment fails/ time expires.
request_amountStringYesThe amount to be paid by the customer
request_descriptionStringYesA brief description of the payment to be displayed to the customer
invoice_numberStringNoAnother internal referencing the merchant might want to use to track payments.
language_codeStringNoLanguage code you wish to display instructions for payment. We currently support English i.e "en"

2. Encrypt Payload

In order to maintain the highest level of security, we only accept encrypted data.To encrypt the payload use the encryption steps described in the code snippets below.

You will be required to have an IV key, access key and consumer secret which can be easily obtained from settings section on the dashboard.

const crypto = require("crypto");
function LipadEncryption(payload) {
let jsonStringPayload = JSON.stringify(payload);
let key = crypto
.substring(0, 16);
key = Buffer.from(key);
let secret = crypto
.substring(0, 32);
secret = Buffer.from(secret);
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(algorithm, secret, key);
let encryptedData = cipher.update(jsonStringPayload, "utf-8", "hex");
encryptedData +="hex");
let encryptedPayload = Buffer.from(encryptedData, "hex").toString("base64");
return encryptedPayload;

3. Redirect to Checkout UI

There are two strategies you can use to redirect to our checkout user interface.

  • Redirect using your own custom strategy.
  • Embed Lipad Checkout Button

a) Custom Redirect (First Option)

After the payload has been encrypted you can redirect to our checkout user interface and pass the access key and encrypted payload as query params as shown below.

https://{{BASE_URL}}/?access_key=<YOUR_ACCESS_KEY>& payload=<ENCRYPTED_PAYLOAD>

b) Embed Lipad Checkout Button (Second Option)

Kindly carefully complete the procedures below to embed Lipad Checkout Button.

  • Import Lipad Online Checkout JavaScript library
  • Embed Button
  • Setup an event listener on button
1. Import Lipad Online Checkout JavaScript library

First you will need to import our lightweight Javascript library on your checkout page.

<script src="https://{{BASE_URL}}/lipad-checkout-library.js"></script>

All done. All that is left to do is include a checkout button and submit a checkout request. See how by reading on.

2. Embed Button

You will need to avail a div with an id of "LipadPaySection" which we will use to render LipadPayButton.

<div id="LipadPaySection" />

The second thing you must do is include a button somewhere on your online store, ideally on the checkout page.You will need to assign an suitable id to the button. It will be used when calling the button in the following section.

id: "LipadPayNowButtonID",
3. Setup an event listener on button

You will need to add an event listener to the button that we just created by calling it using get element by id and passing in the appropriate id. Then we can call our Lipad.makePayment("formulated_payload") with our formulated payload .

      //Set up event listener and call makePaymentFunction
.addEventListener('click', function() {

4. Redirect back to you

The customer will be redirected to the success or fail url after full payment has been made or checkout session has expired. When full payment is received, we will redirect the customer to the success_redirect_url passed in the initial payload with the params - merchant_transaction_id,checkout_request_id and overall_payment_status.

If no payment or a partial was made and expired we will redirect to the fail redirect url with the params: merchant_transaction_id,checkout_request_id and overall_payment_status.

And thats it! Lipad will redirect the customer to our payment page and faciliate the transaction.

Full Example

The code snippets below summarize the processes described above.

//Formulate Payload

let formulatedPayload = {
msisdn: "+254700000000",
account_number: "oid39",
country_code: "KEN",
currency_code: "KES",
client_code: "ABCDEXAMPLE",
due_date: "2022-12-12 13:00:00",
customer_email: "[email protected]",
customer_first_name: "John",
customer_last_name: "Doe",
merchant_transaction_id: "txn_id_342",
preferred_payment_option_code: "",
callback_url: "",
request_amount: "100",
request_description: "Dummy merchant transaction",
success_redirect_url: "",
fail_redirect_url: "",
invoice_number: "",
language_code: "en",
service_code: "<Client service code>",

//Encrypt Payload
const crypto = require("crypto");
function LipadEncryption(payload){
let jsonStringPayload=JSON.stringify(payload);
let key = crypto.createHash("sha256").update(IVKey).digest("hex").substring(0, 16);
key = Buffer.from(key);
let secret = crypto.createHash("sha256").update(consumerSecret).digest("hex").substring(0, 32);
secret = Buffer.from(secret);
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(algorithm, secret, key);
let encryptedData = cipher.update(jsonStringPayload, "utf-8", "hex");
encryptedData +="hex");
let encryptedPayload = Buffer.from(encryptedData, 'hex').toString('base64');
return encryptedPayload;

let encryptedPayload=LipadEncryption(formulatedPayload);

//Embed Button

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

<body style="text-align: center;">
<div id="LipadPaySection">

// Import checkout script
<script src="https://{{BASE_URL}}/lipad-checkout-library.js"></script>

let payNowButtonID="pay_now_button";
.addEventListener('click', function() {



Webhooks are an important part of your payment integration. They allow us to notify you about events that happen on your checkout instance, such as a successful payment or a failed transaction.As none of these operations are controlled by your application and are all asynchronous, you won't know when they are finished unless we let you know or you check back later.

When payments are received, we will send payments notifications to the specified callback url. Keep in mind that a single checkout instance can have multiple payments made such as one could have one failed payment followed by a successful payment.

You will use the "overall_payment_status" flag to know whether full payment has been completed or not. The overall status flag serves to indicate the cumulative status of the checkout. In order to know the cause of the trigger i.e successful_payment or failed_payment you will use the event record child and see the payment status flag.

Be sure to check the overall payment status and payment status section section to see various statuses.

Incase we don't receive any payments, we will send you a callback when the checkout instance expires.

Additionally, we will require you to respond with an acknowledgment described in the RESPONSE tab.

Let's take a closer look at the parameters returned.

KeyValue TypeDescription
checkout_request_idStringA unique transaction reference generated by Lipad.
merchant_transaction_idStringA unique transaction reference generated by merchant.
eventStringEvent notification i.e
  • full_payment - Full payment received - Complete
  • partial_payment - Partial Payment received - Incomplete
  • unpaid - Unpaid i.e failed payments.
  • expired_with_no_payments - Expired with no payments.
  • expired_with_partial_payments - Expired with partial payment.
overall_payment_statusStringIndicates overall request code i.e
  • 801 - Full payment received - Complete
  • 802 - Partial Payment received - Incomplete
  • 803 - Unpaid i.e failed payments.
  • 820 - Expired with no payments.
  • 822 - Expired with partial payment.
request_amountStringAmount requested.
amount_paidStringAmount paid by customer.
outstanding_amountStringBalance remaining.
service_codeStringThe service for which the payment request was made.
currency_codeStringThe 3 digit ISO code of the currency the checkout was charged.
country_codeStringThe 3 digit ISO of the country which the checkout was made from.
account_numberStringReference number under which the payment reflected.
event_recordJSONArrayPayment which triggered event notification. i.e can be successful or failed payment. Described in the next section.
event_historyJSONArrayArray of payments made to the checkout request. Described in the next section.
Sample callback
"event": "full_payment",
"checkout_request_id": "1431",
"merchant_transaction_id": "1676974504058",
"request_amount": "2.00",
"amount_paid": "2.00",
"outstanding_amount": "2.00",
"currency_code": "KES",
"country_code": "KEN",
"service_code": "EATZ_CHECKOUT",
"account_number": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"overall_payment_status": 801,
"overall_payment_description": "full_payment",
"request_description": "Dummy merchant transaction",
"event_record": {
"event": "successful_payment",
"amount": "2.00",
"extra_data": "extraData",
"client_code": "ATL-6815O1F",
"country_code": "KEN",
"payer_msisdn": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"payment_date": "2023-02-21T10:15:47.862Z",
"service_code": "EATZ_CHECKOUT",
"currency_code": "KES",
"account_number": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"payment_status": 700,
"transaction_id": "2019",
"payer_narration": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"charge_request_id": "873",
"external_reference": "1431",
"receiver_narration": "The service request is processed successfully.",
"payment_method_code": "MPESA_KEN",
"payer_transaction_id": "RBL35TKMUH"
"event_history": [
"event": "failed_payment",
"amount": "2.00",
"extra_data": "extraData",
"client_code": "ATL-6815O1F",
"country_code": "KEN",
"payer_msisdn": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"payment_date": "2023-02-21T10:15:26.499Z",
"service_code": "EATZ_CHECKOUT",
"currency_code": "KES",
"account_number": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"payment_status": 701,
"transaction_id": "2018",
"merchant_ack_id": "p3huy",
"payer_narration": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"charge_request_id": "872",
"merchant_ack_code": "170",
"external_reference": "1431",
"receiver_narration": "Request cancelled by user",
"payment_method_code": "MPESA_KEN",
"payer_transaction_id": "NOT AVAILABLE",
"merchant_ack_description": "Payment Succesful"
"event": "successful_payment",
"amount": "2.00",
"extra_data": "extraData",
"client_code": "ATL-6815O1F",
"country_code": "KEN",
"payer_msisdn": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"payment_date": "2023-02-21T10:15:47.862Z",
"service_code": "EATZ_CHECKOUT",
"currency_code": "KES",
"account_number": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"payment_status": 700,
"transaction_id": "2019",
"payer_narration": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"charge_request_id": "873",
"external_reference": "1431",
"receiver_narration": "The service request is processed successfully.",
"payment_method_code": "MPESA_KEN",
"payer_transaction_id": "RBL35TKMUH"
Sample event record

Under a single checkout instance there can exist several payments i.e successful,failed. Each callback will consist of cumulative status in the parent body, an event record and an event history. The event record body is used to indicate if the single payment was successful or failed. The event history shows all the preceeding events sent inclusive of the current.

"event": "successful_payment",
"amount": "2.00",
"extra_data": "extraData",
"client_code": "ATL-6815O1F",
"country_code": "KEN",
"payer_msisdn": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"payment_date": "2023-02-21T10:15:47.862Z",
"service_code": "EATZ_CHECKOUT",
"currency_code": "KES",
"account_number": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"payment_status": "700",
"transaction_id": "2019",
"payer_narration": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"charge_request_id": "873",
"external_reference": "1431",
"receiver_narration": "The service request is processed successfully.",
"payment_method_code": "MPESA_KEN",
"payer_transaction_id": "RBL35TKMUH"

Taking a closer look at the parameters.

eventStringIndicates payment event i.e
  • successful_payment - Payment received
  • failed_payment - Failed transaction
amountStringAmount paid by customer.
extra_dataStringExtra data passed during redirect
client_codeStringMerchant client code
country_codeStringThe 3 digit ISO of the country which the payment was made from.
payer_msisdnStringThis is the mobile number that will be debited. It will receive the USSD or STK push.
payment_dateStringDate which payment was made.
service_codeStringThe service for which the payment request was made.
currency_codeStringThis is the currency to be used to charge the client.
account_numberStringThis is the account number against which the payment is being made.
payment_statusStringIndicates payment status i.e
  • 700 - Successful payment received
  • 701 - Failed transaction
transaction_idStringUnique transaction id generated by Lipad.
payer_narrationStringRequest description initally sent by Merchant.
charge_request_idStringUnique charge id generated by Lipad.
external_referenceStringUnique charge id generated by Checkout.
receiver_narrationStringNarration generated by payment gateway.
payment_method_codeStringThe payment method to be used to charge customer.
payer_transaction_idStringId generated by payment gateway.

Overall Payment Status Codes

A single checkout instance can have several payments. This flag indicates the cumulative status i.e when a partial payment is made it will indicate payment is incompelete.

801Full payment received - Complete.
802Partial Payment received - Incomplete.
803Unpaid i.e failed payments, no payments.
820Expired with no payments.
840Payment reversed.
841Payment refunded.

Payment Status Codes

This flag indicates the individual payment status i.e successful or failed.

700Successful payment.
701Failed payment.
702Reversed payment.
705Refunded payment.


An authorisation header is required for all calls made to the Checkout API. To generate an access token you will need to will need to obtain a consumer key and consumer secret from the dashboard under settings.

POST Endpoint:https://{{BASE_URL}}/api/v1/api-auth/access-token

Once an access_token is generated, it should be passed as a header param i.e Authorization = Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>

Request Body
consumerKeyBody Field
consumerSecretBody Field
access_tokenJSON Response ItemAccess token to access other APIs
expiry_inJSON Response ItemToken expiry time in seconds

Get Checkout Status

You can query the status of the checkout request by making a get request to the following end point with an access token. To generate an access token check out the authentication section.

GET Endpoint:https://{{BASE_URL}}/api/v1/checkout/request/status

Request Query Param
KeyValue TypeDescription
merchant_transaction_idQuery ParamA unique transaction reference that you generated when making checkout request
Response Body

Let's take a closer look at the parameters returned.

KeyValue TypeDescription
checkout_request_idStringA unique transaction reference generated by Lipad.
merchant_transaction_idStringA unique transaction reference generated by merchant.
eventStringEvent notification i.e
  • full_payment - Full payment received - Complete
  • partial_payment - Partial Payment received - Incomplete
  • unpaid - Unpaid i.e failed payments.
  • expired_with_no_payments - Expired with no payments.
  • expired_with_partial_payments - Expired with partial payment.
overall_payment_statusStringIndicates overall request code i.e
  • 801 - Full payment received - Complete
  • 802 - Partial Payment received - Incomplete
  • 803 - Unpaid i.e failed payments.
  • 820 - Expired with no payments.
  • 822 - Expired with partial payment.
request_amountStringAmount requested.
amount_paidStringAmount paid by customer.
outstanding_amountStringBalance remaining.
service_codeStringThe service for which the payment request was made.
currency_codeStringThe 3 digit ISO code of the currency the checkout was charged.
country_codeStringThe 3 digit ISO of the country which the checkout was made from.
account_numberStringReference number under which the payment reflected.
event_historyJSONArrayArray of payments made to the checkout request. Described in the next section.
Sample callback
"event": "full_payment",
"checkout_request_id": "1431",
"merchant_transaction_id": "1676974504058",
"request_amount": "2.00",
"amount_paid": "2.00",
"outstanding_amount": "2.00",
"currency_code": "KES",
"country_code": "KEN",
"service_code": "EATZ_CHECKOUT",
"account_number": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"overall_payment_status": 801,
"overall_payment_description": "full_payment",
"request_description": "Dummy merchant transaction",
"event_history": [
"event": "failed_payment",
"amount": "2.00",
"extra_data": "extraData",
"client_code": "ATL-6815O1F",
"country_code": "KEN",
"payer_msisdn": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"payment_date": "2023-02-21T10:15:26.499Z",
"service_code": "EATZ_CHECKOUT",
"currency_code": "KES",
"account_number": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"payment_status": 701,
"transaction_id": "2018",
"merchant_ack_id": "p3huy",
"payer_narration": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"charge_request_id": "872",
"merchant_ack_code": "170",
"external_reference": "1431",
"receiver_narration": "Request cancelled by user",
"payment_method_code": "MPESA_KEN",
"payer_transaction_id": "NOT AVAILABLE",
"merchant_ack_description": "Payment Succesful"
"event": "successful_payment",
"amount": "2.00",
"extra_data": "extraData",
"client_code": "ATL-6815O1F",
"country_code": "KEN",
"payer_msisdn": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"payment_date": "2023-02-21T10:15:47.862Z",
"service_code": "EATZ_CHECKOUT",
"currency_code": "KES",
"account_number": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"payment_status": 700,
"transaction_id": "2019",
"payer_narration": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"charge_request_id": "873",
"external_reference": "1431",
"receiver_narration": "The service request is processed successfully.",
"payment_method_code": "MPESA_KEN",
"payer_transaction_id": "RBL35TKMUH"

Direct Charge API

You can conveniently collect payments through cards, banks, or any of our supported ways with just one integration using Lipad Checkout. It however comes with the Lipad checkout experience.

There are occasions when you want additional control that works with your app. Direct charge enters the picture here. We supply the APIs for clients to be charged, but you are responsible for gathering their payment information and bringing your own UI and payment flow. You can control and modify the customer experience however you like.

There are three main stages in direct charge:

  1. Initiate the payment: Send the charge request to the appropriate charge endpoints.
  2. Authorize the charge: Customer interacts with the payment prompts and completes the paymnent.
  3. Post callback payment verification: As a failsafe, you'll call our Status API to verify that the payment was successful before giving value.

Lipad Direct charge Transaction Flow

Direct Charge Transaction Flow Description

  1. The charge request originator (Client) captures and sets the API required parameters and sends the request to the respective charge endpoint.
  2. The API receives the request, validates it and sends an acknowledgement response back to the originator (Client).
  3. A charge request is initiated via the Payments Partner responsible eg Airtel Money or M-Pesa
  4. The Customer authorizes the transaction.
  5. The Payments Partner debits the customer and Credits LIPAD Wallet, sends payment result to LIPAD
  6. LIPAD processes the result, credits the Originator's LIPAD Wallet with funds from the payment.
  7. LIPAD Charge Service then sends Payment Notification webhook to the webhook URL registered on our system. (Type: Payments Notifications)


All requests made to LIPAD Direct Charge APIs will require token authentication. Authentication requests are send to: POST Authentication Request body

"consumer_key": "Xjpe948ixgdhlUrRNlOwc",
"consumer_secret": "hNjZK2JVm4Uc1whgskjsiY9G"

Response Body

"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiIxNiIsImRlc2lnbmF0aW9uIjoiQXBpIFVzZXIiLCJhdXRob3JpemVkIjp0cnVlLCJpYXQiOjE2Nzc3MDY4ODgsImV4cCI6MTY3NzcxMjg4OH0.kADugWTjIrXokYYhDTXg4idmsLy6pUTv6N0Hi-ZMkrI",
"expiresIn": 6000

Use the token returned under access_token for all requests made to the Payouts APIs. The token should be passed as a Request Header x-access-token. The token will be valid for up to 1 hour.

Supported Payment Methods

Broadly we support the following payment method types in our Direct Charge Api:

  1. Mobile Money

Mobile Money

We support several MNOs(mobile network providers) across the continent. You can find several supported MNOs in the next section

The following table provides information about the Mobile Network Operators currently supported by our Direct Mobile Money Charge API.


Mobile Network Operator(MNO)Lipad Short CodeCountryCurrency


This payment method allows you to receive KES payments via Mpesa.


The following is a payload structure expected by the mobile money charge endpoint;

"external_reference": "123456",
"origin_channel_code": "API",
"originator_msisdn": "2547****56",
"payer_msisdn": "254******56",
"service_code": "<client service code>",
"account_number": "123456789",
"invoice_number": "",
"currency_code": "KES",
"amount": "100",
"add_transaction_charge": false,
"transaction_charge": "0",
"payment_method_code": "<payment method code>",
"paybill": "123456",
"extra_data": {
"description": "Payment by 254700123456",
"notify_client": false,
"notify_originator": false

Request Body Parameters description

ParameterData TypeNullDescription
external_referencestringNOThis is the unique reference generated by the external/internal party requesting charge. It will be used to send a callback once charge is successful.
origin_channel_codestringYESThis is an optional parameter indicating where the request to charge originated from. It has to be a valid channel code (API, WEB, USSD, APP)
originator_msisdnstringNOThis is the mobile number of the individual initiating the request for charge.
payer_msisdnstringNOThis is the mobile number that will be debited. It will receive the USSD or STK push.
service_codestringNOThis is the service against which charge is being made. Once successful, a payment will be logged against this service.
account_numberstringNOThis is the account number against which the payment is being made.
invoice_numberstringYESThis is an internal invoice number to be used by the originating system.
currency_codestringYESThis is the currency to be used to charge the client.
amountstringNOThis is the service amount to be charged from the client.
add_transaction_chargebooleanNOIndicates whether the customer should be charged extra fees.
transaction_chargestringNOThe transaction charge amount to be applied if the addTransactionCharge parameter is set to true.
payment_method_codestringNOThe code to be used to identify the payment method. See LIPAD Short Codes on Supported MNOs section
paybillstringNOParameter to indicate the paybill or till number or business name/code to be used when invoking the respective telcos. Use LIPAD_DEFAULT if none is configured
extra_datajsonYESJSON array of any additional information to be captured during charge. The same information will be relayed back when sending payment callbacks.
descriptionstringYESDescription of the payment.
notify_clientbooleanNOTells charge whether to send an IPN to the owner client of the service using the callback URL configured under the client.
notify_originatorbooleanNOTells charge whether to send an IPN to the client who originated the charge request (Identified by credentials used to invoke charge). The IPN is sent using the callback URL configured under the client.

Request Response Body

Once the mobile money charge is requested, an acknowledgement is sent back to the initiating channel or customer. The response could be successful or failed.

*Note: Be sure to checkout the status codes section to see the various statusCodes that can be returned.*

The payload structure shown below demonstrates a successful charge response;

"status_code": 102,
"status_description": "Request to charge customer was successfully placed",
"total_amount": "1900",
"service_amount": "1800",
"transaction_charge": "100",
"charge_request_id": 123456789,

The following table describes the response payload above.

ParameterData TypeNullDescription
status_codeintNOStatus of the charge request.
status_descriptionstringNODescription of the charge status.
total_amountstringNOTotal amount charged from the customer.
service_amountstringNOService amount from the total amount paid.
transaction_chargestringNOCharge amount from the total amount paid.
charge_request_idintNOInternal Charge request ID.
external_referencestringNOThis is the unique reference generated by the external/internal party that requested the charge.

Error Response Body

"status_code": 172,
"status_description": "Could not initiate Charge Request",
"message": "Missing or Invalid access token"

Error Response Parameters Description

status_codeStatus of the charge request. See Status Codes Section
status_descriptionDescription of the charge status
messageError specific description


Once payment is made against a charge request by the customer, a callback shall be sent back to the client of the service or originator of the payment request. This payment notification is sent back to the client depending on the notify_client or notify_originator parameters that were sent during charge initiation.


  1. All callbacks from LIPAD employ Basic authentication with the username and password registered alongside the callback url. See Basic Authentication rfc for guidance.
  2. Do not rely entirely on webhooks for Charge request status. Use the LIPAD Charge Status API to verify a Payout Status
  3. Acknowledge webhook receipt with the following response

Payment result acknowledgement Response Body

"charge_request_id": "123",
"acknowledgement_code": "900",
"acknowledgement_description": "payment accepted",
"payment_id": "12345"

Payment result acknowledgement Response Body Parameters description

charge_request_idThe incoming charge request ID
acknowledgement_codeA status code that indicates whether a request was accepted or rejected.
  • 900 - Accepted
  • 901 - Rejected
acknowledgement_descriptionCallback receipt acknowledgement status description
payment_idThe incoming IPN payment ID

NOTE: Unacknowledged callbacks will be retried 3 times over the next 48 hours after which no further webhooks will be sent.

Payment Result Body

"event": "successful_payment",
"amount": "2.00",
"extra_data": "extraData",
"client_code": "ATL-6815O1F",
"country_code": "KEN",
"payer_msisdn": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"payment_date": "2023-02-21T10:15:47.862Z",
"service_code": "EATZ_CHECKOUT",
"currency_code": "KES",
"account_number": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"payment_status": 700,
"transaction_id": "2019",
"payer_narration": "2547XXXXXXXX",
"charge_request_id": "873",
"external_reference": "1431",
"receiver_narration": "The service request is processed successfully.",
"payment_method_code": "MPESA_KEN",
"payer_transaction_id": "RBL35TKMUH"

Result Parameters description

eventStringIndicates payment event e.g failed_payment or successful_payment
amountStringAmount paid by customer.
extra_dataStringExtra data passed during redirect
client_codeStringMerchant client code
country_codeStringThe 3 digit ISO of the country which the payment was made from.
payer_msisdnStringThis is the mobile number that will be debited. It will receive the USSD or STK push.
payment_dateStringDate which payment was made.
service_codeStringThe service for which the payment request was made.
currency_codeStringThis is the currency to be used to charge the client.
account_numberStringThis is the account number against which the payment is being made.
payment_statusStringIndicates payment status i.e
  • 700 - Successful payment received
  • 701 - Failed transaction
transaction_idStringUnique transaction id generated by Lipad.
payer_narrationStringRequest description initally sent by Merchant.
charge_request_idStringUnique charge id generated by Lipad.
external_referenceStringUnique charge id generated by Checkout.
receiver_narrationStringNarration generated by payment gateway.
payment_method_codeStringThe payment method to be used to charge customer.
payer_transaction_idStringId generated by payment gateway.

Charge Request Status

For status verification or in the event when result callbacks fail, the Charge Request Status API can be employed. Requests to check payout status are sent to:


NOTE: For charge status Response Body and Parameters description, see Callbacks section.

Charge Request-Result Payment Status Codes

This flag indicates the individual payment status i.e successful or failed.

700Successful payment made.
701Failed payment made
702Payment was Reversed
703Payment is Pending Processing
704Payment is Jammed. Requires manual intervention to continue processing

Charge Request-Response Status Codes

The status codes below will be used to indicate the status of the charge request made.

Status CodeStatus MessageComment
176CHARGE POSTED SUCCESSFULLYThis is the success code for posting a charge request.
172GENERIC VALIDATION FAILUREThis is the generic code to be returned for generic validations.
132Invalid Credentials. Authentication failedInvalid Credentials. Authentication failed
131Authentication was a successAuthentication was a success
120INVOICE ACCOUNT NUMBER NOT SPECIFIEDThis is the error code for when the invoice account number is not specified.
110INVALID CUSTOMER MSISDNThis is the error code for a failed msisdn

Split Settlements

Split Settlements enables merchants to allocate portions of a transaction amount to different partner accounts or entities. This is particularly useful for platforms with multiple service providers, affiliate programs or shared revenue agreements. Each partner receives a predefined share of the transaction amount directly. Additionally, some partner accounts are dynamic and must be included in every request.

Charge Requests with Split Settlements

All charge requests, whether through Checkout Redirect or Direct Charge API, include an extra_data property containing metadata about the specific transaction. For transactions involving split settlements, the following should be added to extra_data

"extra_data": {
"split_settlements": [
"account": "100008898",
"amount": "100",
"reason": "LPG cylinder delivery costs"

Example Request

"external_reference": "testref12345567",
"origin_channel_code": "API",
"originator_msisdn": "25410000000",
"payer_msisdn": "25410000000",
"payer_email": "[email protected]",
"payer_name": "John",
"client_code": "Doe",
"service_code": "TESTCHECKOUT",
"account_number": "01000000000",
"invoice_number": "test",
"currency_code": "KES",
"country_code": "KEN",
"amount": 1000,
"add_transaction_charge": false,
"transaction_charge": 0,
"payment_method_code": "MPESA",
"paybill": "111111",
"extra_data": {
"split_settlements": [
"account": "10000191",
"amount": 500,
"reason": "LPG cylinder delivery costs"
"description": "Payment by 254700123456",
"notify_client": true,
"notify_originator": true

Payment Service Processing Confirmation


  1. POST (production)
  2. POST (sandbox)

Split settlements follow the service processing confirmation step. Once the merchant confirms the transaction service, the system validates and allocates the split settlements. This ensures all partner accounts receive their respective amounts as per the transaction details.

Confirmation Workflow

  1. Transaction Processing: The payment is processed through the designated payment method.
  2. Service Confirmation: The system receives a confirmation from the payment service, indicating the success or failure of the transaction.
  3. Settlement Allocation: Upon successful confirmation, the split settlements are processed, and funds are distributed to the specified partner accounts.

Transaction Confirmation Payload

"narration":"Service processed successfully"

Transaction processing status:


Confirmation Response

"payment_id": "1234",
"message": "Success"